
Production factors


The guaranteed inter-professional minimum wage (SMIG) and the guaranteed minimum agricultural (SMAG) sont institués par le décret n° 73‐247 du 26 mai 1973. wage (SMAG) were fixed by decree n ° 73‐247 of May 26, 1973.

The wage concerns workers of both sexes who are at least 18 years old.

The transport allowance is fixed, for employees paid at the minimum wage in non-agricultural sectors, according to the labour code provision, at 36,112 TND per month in accordance with decree n ° 82-503 of March 16, 1982 and amended by the government decree n ° 2015-1764 published in the JORT (Official National Gazette) N ° 91 of 09 November 2015.


Scheme Monthly salary Hourly salary
40 Hours 365,732 TND 2110 millimes
48 Hours 429,312 TND 2064 millimes
Source : Government decree n ° 1069-2020 of December 30, 2020


Scheme Salary per day
Rate (common) 16,512 TND
Specialized workers 17,392 TND including a technical bonus of 880 millimes
Skilled workers 16,168 TND including a technical bonus of 1 656 millimes
Source : Government decree n ° 1070-2020 of December 30, 2020


In non-agricultural activities under the labour code and not governed by sectoral collective agreements or by specific public enterprise by-laws, the basic wages of workers are increased as follows:

Hourly increase Monthly increase Hourly increase Monthly increase
Executing employees, excluding minimum wage workers 199 millimes 41,392 dinars 199 millimes 34,493 dinars
Foremen 228 millimes 47,424 dinars 228 millimes 35,013 dinars
Executives 298 millimes 61,984 dinars 298 millimes 51,652 dinars
Source : Government decree n ° 456-2019 of May 28, 2019

Hours worked over the normal weekly duration are considered overtime.

These hours are remunerated with reference to the basic hourly wage increased according to the following rates and according to the activity sector:

  • Agricultural sector: 25% for working hours over the daily working time
  • Non-agricultural sector:
    • Part-time work scheme: 50%
    • Full-time work scheme of 48 hours per week: 75%
    • Full-time working scheme of less than 48 hours per week: ≤ 48 hours per week 25%
    • Full-time working scheme of less than 48 hours per week: more than 48 hours per week 50%
Source : Art. 90-94 of the Labour Code amended by law n ° 96-62 of July 15, 1996.

Electricity cost

Alternative power frequency 50 Hz
Low voltage 220 / 380 V (± 10%)
Medium voltage (2nd category) 30 kV (± 7%) generally (10 kV and 17 kV in some areas)
Rates Charges Energy price (millimes / KWh)
Power mil / KW / Month Day morning peak summer Evening peak Evening peak Night
Four hourly shifts 11000 243 373 335 210
SourceSTEG as of June 1, 2020
Rate Sector Power charge (1) (Mill / kVA / month) Energy price for each monthly consumption phase (Mill / kWh) (1) (2)
1-50 51-100 101-200 201-300 301-500 500 et plus
Economic phase (1 and 2 kVA and C ° ≤100 kWh / month)) Residential (3) 700 62
Residential(4) 108
Residential(5) 162
Economic phase (1 and 2 kVA & C°> 100 kWh/month) Residential 700 176 218 341 414
Normal phase (> 2 kVA) Non Residential 176 240 333 391
Source : STEG as of June 1, 2020
Rate Charges Energy price 19 (millimes / KWh) 20
Mil / Ab / Month subscription Power mil / KVA / Month Day Peak Evening peak Night
Public lighting 900 234
Heating-water21 500 341 Erase 22 Erase 341
Heating and air conditioning 700 414
Irrigation Constant 300 700 164
Three hourly shifts 1000 121 NA 391 106

Natural gas

Low pressure Sector Subscribed flow (therm / h) Flow charges (1) (mill / th-h-month) Energy price
mill/th mill/m3

C≤ 300 th/month

1 à 300 th/month

(1 à 30 m3 / month)

Residential 50 et 100 15 24.3 231
Non résidentiel 25.5 243

300 < C <= 600 th/month

1 à 600 th/month

(1 à 60 m3 / month)

Residential 50 et 100 15 35.8 341
Non Residential 37.5 357

600 < C <= 1 500 th/month

1 à 1 500 th/month

(1 à 150 m3 / month)

Residential 50 et 100 15 47 447
Non Residential 51.1 486

C>1 500 th/mois

1 to 1 501 th/month and more

(1 to 151 m3 / month)

Residential 50 et 100 15 58.6 557
Non Residential 66.2 629
BP2 Residential 50 et 100 15 58.6 557
Non Residential 66.2 629
Source: STEG as of June 1, 2019


Th : Thermal - Mill :Tunisian millimes - VAT : value added tax (1) VAT is applied at the rate of 19% on charges and energy prices excluding taxes Increase in subscribed flow: in case of an increase in the subscribed flow (with or without rate change), the reinforcement cost is calculated on the additional flow.

Rates Subscribed flow (therm / h) Charges Energy price (1) Subscription (mill / th)
Subscription (DT / ab-month) Flow (mill / thh-month)
Medium pressure MP1 1 000 à 4 000 20 300
MP2 6 000 à 30 000 20 450
Cement (Grey cement) 1 000 à 30 000 20 600 1.032 x Pg
58.8173 (5)
Source : STEG as of June 1, 2019


h : Hour

Ab : Subscription

Th : Thermal

Mill : Tunisian Dinar

DT : Dinar Tunisien

TVA : Value added tax

Pg : Purchase price of natural gas in millimes / therm

(1) VAT is applied at the rate of 19% on charges and energy prices excluding taxes In case of an increase in the subscribed flow (with or without rate change), the cost of reinforcement is calculated on the additional flow.

Rate Subscribed flow (therm / h) Charge (1) Subscription (DT / sub-month)
Flow (mill / th-h-month) Energy price (1) (mill / th)
High pressure HP1 1 000 à 4 000 300 700 52.2
HP2 ≤2 000 Tep/ month >30 000/td> 300 700 58
>2 000 Tep/ month 70
Cement (grey cement) (2) >10 000 300 700 1 x Pg
56.9935 (2)
Source : STEG as of June 1, 2019


Tep : 10 000 therms

h : Hour

Ab : Subscription

Th : thermal

Mill : Tunisian millimes

DT : Tunisian Dinar

TVA : Value added tax

Pg : Purchase price of natural gas in millimes / therm

(1) VAT is applied at the rate of 19% on charges and energy prices excluding taxes.

(2) As of June 1, 2018: - rates are revised during the month of June of each year on the basis of compatible data from STEG for the previous year - Energy price is fixed on the basis of the purchase price of natural gas equal to 93.3247 mill / th (which corresponds to the average purchase price of natural gas for the year 2019) In case of an increase in the subscribed flow (with or without rate change), the cost of reinforcement is calculated on the additional flow.


The current telecommunication network in Tunisia is considered among the most developed and efficient in the region. Tunisia is willing to become an international digital destination aimed at consolidating and strengthening ICT use in the business sectors.
Foreign companies can set-up communication links with almost any point in the world at advantageous costs thanks to modern and fully digital networks using optical fibres, SDH, ATM, ADSL and other extended wireless bandwidths, which can provide high capacity and speed for voice and data transmissions. The fixed, mobile and satellite communication infrastructures provided by the four telephone companies and Internet service providers offer a complete and diversified range of local and international services ranging from audio, video and data services to any other advanced communication service.

Mobile network operators 4
Internet service providers 12
Fixed Volp? 2 988 abonnements
Mobile telephone outreach rate 127,7 %
Internet subscriptions 5,6 millions
Internet outreach rate 64 %

Oil derivatives

The price revision of certain oil products is governed by the decree of the Ministers of Energy, Mines and Energy Transition and Finance, of March 31, 2020, appointing a technical commission responsible for setting and monitoring the selling prices of imported finished oil products and those refined locally.

Rates in effect from 1st February 2022

Super unleaded gasoline 2,330 dinars / liter
Kerosene 0,810 dinars / liter
Gas-oil 1,790 dinars / liter
Gas-oil 50 PPM 2,010 dinars / liter
Heavy fuel oil n ° 2 510 dinars / ton
LPG for Vehicles 0,698 dinar /Kg
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for domestic use
3 kg load 1,860 dinars
5 kg load 3,015 dinars
6 kg load 3,590 dinars
13 kg load 7,700 dinars
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for industrial use
25 kg load 32,925 dinars
35 kg load 46,095 dinars
Bulk LPG for non-domestic use 1 106,750 dinars/tonne
Bulk liquid propane 1 138,416 dinars/tonne
Source : Ministry of Industry and SMEs - August 2020

Drinking water

The service provider is the National Water Exploitation and Distribution Company (SONEDE). Applications are submitted to the SONEDE office in the project district.

Industrial use Tourist use (Hotel industry)
Quarterly consumption Price in TND / m3 Price in TND / m3
C≤ 20 m3 0,200 1.490
21 m3 < C ≤ 40 m3 0,495
41 m3 < C ≤ 70 m3 0,620
71 m3 < C ≤ 100 m3 0,940
101 m3 < C ≤ 150 m3 1,110
151 m3 < C ≤ 500 m3 1,430
C > 500 m3 1,490
Source : JORT N° 29 of 07April 2020
Counter diameter Fixed price (TND / quarter)
12 - 15 mm 5,050
20 mm 9,370
30 mm 17,310
40 mm 31,800
De 60 mm à 80mm 80,800
100 mm 130,000
150 mm 338,700
Source : JORT N° 65 of 31 May 2016


The service provider is the National Sanitation Office (ONAS). Applications are submitted to ONAS agencies in the district where the project is located. The quarterly sanitation rates are as follows:

Industrial use Prices in dinars
Variable Fixed
Industrial discharge in compliance with discharge standards in the public sewerage network 1,215/ m3 12,425
Industrial discharge in compliance with discharge standards into the natural environment 0,880/ m3 12,425
Industrial discharge exceeding the discharge standards in the public sewerage network 1,215 +(Q27*585) 12,425
Industrial discharge and polluting activity not connected to the public sanitation network 0,880/ m3 12,425
Tourist use
General case 1,540 12,425
Source : Order of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Local Affairs and the Environment of April 13, 2018 relating to sanitation charges

Goods transportation

The rates for transporting 20-foot containers from the Port of Radès to the customer's factory are approximately as follows:

Containers loaded in one way, empty on the way back (in TND)

Distance in KM 150 300 450
Container ≤ to 12 T 160 210 260
Container > to12 T 300 400 500

Containers loaded in both ways (in TND)

Distance in KM 150 300 450
Container ≤to 12 T 190 250 310
Container > to 12 T 350 470 590

The rates for transporting various goods from station to station are based on the distance:

Distance in KM Price in dinars
up to 50 Km 3,100 + 0,0295 * D
From 51 to 110 Km 2,180 + 0,0282 * D
From 111 to 200 Km 2,290 + 0,0272 * D
Over 200 Km 2,150 + 0,0309 * D
*D = distance in Km

As land transport is liberalized in Tunisia, each company in the sector applies its own prices. The average price is between 0.070 and 0.080 TND per ton and per kilometre. These prices decrease every time the distance increases.

Shipping destinations 20-foot containers in DT 40-foot containers in DT
France (Marseille) 620 1200
Italy (Livourne) 780 1550
Spain 750 1500
North Europe 780 1 550 780 1550
Morocco 1850 3700
*(port to port) shipping rates from Tunis to Mediterranean ports
Destination Price
Tunis - Paris 0,650 TND/kg
Tunis - Brussels 0,680 TND/kg
Tunis - Rome 0,610 TND/kg
Tunis - Frankfurt 0,690 TND/kg
Tunis - Munich 0,690 TND/kg
Tunis - Milan 0,620 TND/kg
Tunis - Marseille 0,470 TND/kg

Production costs and positioning

Gas cost for industrial use is given per cubic meter. The location with the lowest unit costs for industrial gas is Tunisia with $ 0.1498 per cubic meter, followed by Turkey and Italy.

Country Rank Cost (m3 )
Tunisia 1 0.15
Turkey 2 0.24
Italy 3 0.31
Romania 4 0.33
Germany 5 0.37
Morocco 6 0.37
France 7 0.39
Sources : FDI Intelligence estimates based on Eurostat, The Economist Intelligence Unit, Eurostat and major utility operators

The public price of electricity is the average price of electricity per kWh supplied to industrial customers, all costs and charges included. The country with the lowest electricity unit costs is Tunisia with costs of 0.0770 USD per kWh, followed by Turkey and Romania.

Country Rank Cost (m3)
Tunisia 1 0.08
Turkey 2 0.09
Roumania 3 0.09
Morocco 4 0.12
France 5 0.14
Italy 6 0.17
Germany 7 0.26
Source : The World Bank Doing Business Guide 2020; World Bank Doing Business 2020

Contact person

Haithem Hammami
Contact: +216 (70) 248 148 Ext. 206